Australian Gap Training (MACG)
There are some occupations that allow migrants to undertake a skills assessment but when when you arrive in Australia you need to undertake “Gap Training” as the occupation is licensed.
Below is a brief overview of what is involved in Gap Training and the occupations involved.
To be eligible for Gap Training you must have completed your OTSR (Offshore Technical Skills Record) through an approved TRA authorised RTO.
You can only commence the Gap Training for any of the licensed trades when you are living in Australia and have supervised employment.
The OTSR holder must still complete Australian context gap training and a period of supervised employment in the specific trade in order to be awarded the Australian VET qualification for that occupation.
Overseas trained tradespeople who hold an OTSR are eligible to apply for a provisional licence. A provisional licence allows the holder to perform work in the licensed occupation under supervision while completing the Australian context gap training. A provisional licence can be obtained on application from Australian state and territory licensing regulators.
Each State and Territory have different requirements in relation to Gap Training for the licensed occupations.
Electrician General
Your OTSR is what you have completed when you did your Skills Assessment. The OTSR does not expire, but for the purposes of migration it will expire in 3 years from date of issue
If you do not have a vaild Skills Assessment (OTSR) then you need to contact our office: and arrange for someone to discuss with you on obtaining it. Your OTSR can be completed in Australia or whilst you are in your Home Country or perhaps completed in Australia if you don't need the OTSR for migration purposes.
Regardless if you are the spouse, dependant on the visa or sponsored, to obtain your Electrical Licence in Australia you need an OTSR regardless.
Right now, there is nothing you can do whilst you are off shore.
Regardless you will need to ensure you have a copy of the Australian Standards AS/NZS3000:2018 and AS/NZS3008:2017 You can purchase these books from SIA Global
As these books are the Wiring Rules, they will need to be with you forever.
You have a few things that you need to complete once you arrive.
Sign up for you USI (
Complete a White Card Course - Do a google search for your local provider
Complete a CPR Course (HLTAID009) and Low Voltage Rescue - Do a google search for your local provider
Get your "Provisional Licence"
Find an employer
Contact the Australian Assessment Team (last tab in the FAQ) to arrange an RTO in your area for your Gap Training
A provisional licence is granted to applicants who do cannot provide evidence that they meet the eligibility of a full occupational licence. A provisional licence allows newly qualified apprentices and other applicants to work lawfully in the industry whilst they gain the required practical experience to eventually work without supervision.
Reasons for granting a provisional licence
Under the Program, the holder of a provisional licence certificate must:
work under the supervision of a current holder of the full licence or qualified supervisors certificate for the same trade, and
be enrolled in an approved training course to undertake gap training towards the full licence or certificate.
A provisional licence is only issued for one year and cannot be renewed.
Be prepared for this process to be painless, but its what is required to gain that ticket to allow you to work. If you work without this ticket you could be fined, convicted and deported.
The list of regulators is on the next tab.
What you need to take with you:
Copy of your OTSR
Application form (Some regulalors have this online, others require you to come in and complete the application)
Copy of your previous qualification (if you have it)
Employers details (including their licence / contractors licence number)
Credit Card
100 Points of ID (Click here for more details)
Some regulators may require additional information, best to contact them to verify requirements.
PLEASE NOTE: For those in Western Australia you are required to complete a Fit & Proper person certificate, which includes a National Police Check,
Western Australia
Energy Safety WA
303 Sevenoaks Street,
WA 6107
(08) 6251 2000
Application for Provisional Licence can be found here
Nothern Territory
Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Board
Darwin Plaza, 41 Smith Street,
Darwin, NT 0800
(08) 8936 4079
South Australia
Consumer & Business Services SA
Level 3, 91-97 Grenfell Street,
Adelaide, SA 5000
131 882
Electrical Safety Office
Building 1, Level 2, 153 Campbell Street,
Bowen Hills, QLD 4006
1300 632 993
Electrical Safety Office
New South Wales
NSW Fair Trading
Level 11, 10 Smith Street,
Paramatta, NSW 2150
13 32 20
Australian Capital Territory
Access Canberra
21 Bowes Street,
Phillip ACT 2606
(02) 6207 8096
Energy Safe Victoria
Level 5, Building 2, 4 Riverside Quay,
Southbank, VIC 3006
1800 815 721
Electricity Standards and Safety
30 Gordon’s Hill Road,
Rosny Park, TAS 7018
1300 654 499
The main issues we hear about is employers treating you like "Trades Assistants" or TA's. A TA undertakes no actual physial electrical work and the whole purpose of you having an employer is to gain your work experience doing electrical work.
As far as the regulators treat you is a 4th year apprentice. Now, please accept the fact that this is what the system treats you like as far as the regulator goes, but you are far more than an apprentice. You are qualified tradesman from your home country, but in Australia you need to be bought up to the Australian Standards.
Wages wise you can expect to paid slightly less than a tradesman for a while, but once your employer realises that you are out doing their local staff you will soon be getting better rates.
Some employers have no idea how to handle Migrant Electrcians, if this is case, get in touch with the Australian Assessment Team via the tab at the end of this tab and we will contact you both to sort out any questions that have. We are here to help.
Contact the Australian Assessment Team via the last tab on this FAQ. You will need to upload to them:
Copy of your OTSR
Employers details (including their licence / contractors licence number)
Copy of your Provisional Licence
Your Australian details (Address, phone number)
100 Points of ID (Click here for more details)
Uniquie Student Identifier (USI) (Click here for more details)
You will be referred to an authorised training organisation who can complete your Gap Training.
The RTO will work with you to complete your Gap Training.
The RTO may be located in another state from where you are residing. You will be expected to attend that RTO's workshop for your practical when directed. Depending on the RTO will depend on the amount of time away.
All theory online, 1 week practical in Brisbane at the end of the experience period. Enrolments from All over Australia.
Gap Training Certificate issued, yo will need to go to the OTSR Issuing Authority to obtain your Certificate 3 to be able to apply for your licence.
Many people have asked about backdating the eProfiling start date
QLD - For students holding a QLD 'Training Permit', evidence of undertaking electrical work can only start of the day that the Permit was issued. The Permit is for only 12 months with expectation the entire program is completed within that period. All work prior to that date cannot be recognised.
VIC - For students holding a provisional licence can only register evidence of undertaking electrical work can only start of the day that the licence was issued. This provisional time is only 12 months with expectation the entire program is completed within that period. All work prior to that date cannot be recognised.
ACT - For students holding a provisional licence can only register evidence of undertaking electrical work can only start of the day that the licence was issued. This provisional time is only 12 months with expectation the entire program is completed within that period. All work prior to that date cannot be recognised.
SA - For students holding a provisional licence can only register evidence of undertaking electrical work can only start of the day that the licence was issued. This provisional time is only 12 months with expectation the entire program is completed within that period. All work prior to that date cannot be recognised.
WA - For students holding a provisional licence can only register evidence of undertaking electrical work can only start of the day that the licence was issued. This provisional time is only 12 months with expectation the entire program is completed within that period. All work prior to that date cannot be recognised.
NT- For students holding a provisional licence can only register evidence of undertaking electrical work can only start of the day that the licence was issued. This provisional time is only 12 months with expectation the entire program is completed within that period. All work prior to that date cannot be recognised.
NSW - For students in NSW, evidence can be backdated to the date you started with the employer. The only requirement is that all work must have been done under supervision of a licenced electrical Supervisor. The Provisional licence is required but does not regulate the evidence collection date. (Provisiona licence periods can be applied up to 3 years)
So it is only NSW where you can backdate evidence collection before the issuing of the NSW Provisonal licence.
In other states working without a licence will be seen as illegal electrical work.
This section is always an issue for many people as it's the topic of conversation on social media a lot.
Under regulators' guidelines and that of ERAC which is made up of all regulators and government, participants in the Gap Training course must undertake 12 months of work experience. Not 100 hours, not 3 months but 12 months.
In most cases, this is treated as between 9 - 10 months. (The use of hours is no longer applicable)
This time is documented in eProfiling, which is provided at the time of registering with the RTO. The reports are signed off weekly by your supervisor and act as a permanent record of what you did in the 12 months. Please be advised that the Regulator can also access these records at any time to review them in case of a dispute at the time of issuing your licence.
During the 12 months, you must work on all aspects of electrical work, which includes but is not limited to:
Design a multiphase industrial, commercial or multi-unit domestic installation; and
Calculate the maximum demand and determine the size of the consumer's mains, main earthing conductor and main switch electrical capacity; and
Calculate the current capacity and determine the cable size and circuit protection device for each sub-main and sub-circuit; and
Design the layout and wiring of main switchboard and (where necessary) sub-boards , and
Install the consumer's mains , main switchboard , submains and sub-boards; and
Installed individual sub-circuits and applicable accessories; and
Test the continuity and insulation resistance of each of the active conductors, neutral conductors and earthing conductors throughout the installation; and
Test and verify the installation for connection to the supply authority electrical distribution network.
You must be able to demonstrate confirmation that they have developed a sound understanding of the MEN earthing system.
Confirmation that they understand the testing and verification required in section 8 of the Wiring Rules (and provide evidence that they have physically done so themself - not witnessed someone else doing it).
If you are employed and you are only installing Solar and Split Air Conditioners then this does not count and you will be denied completing your course. Working FIFO on a Mine Site may also not be eligible for time completed as you generally do not do all of the above, so you may need to do additional work on your days off with another contractor. Working in a workshop doing panels, switchboard manufacturing does not work with the tasks, unless the employer has you on the road doing installations and running cables. Always check with the employer before agreeing to work for them that they can accommodate the above.
If at any time you are experiencing issues with what you should be doing talk to your RTO.
Always make sure you mark off in profiling ALL the tasks you do so that it counts towards your overall score in Profiling
You MAYBE entitled to complete earlier than 12 months if the RTO is satisfied that you are completely ready to go. This is very rare as the RTO needs to justify this with the regulator. The earliest you can expect would be 9 months.
Well Done..
The RTO will advise you what you need to do next by providing completion forms or information on where to go next for you to take to the regulator to gain your Occupational Licence.
** There is an additional process required for NSW. You need to obtain your "Certificate of Proficiency" by downloading the application form here before you can apply for your Occupational Licence**
** There is an additional process required for Victoria. You need to sit the Licensed Electrician's Assessment "LEA", (Click here for more details) which the RTO will work with you on arranging this, before you can apply for your Occupational Licence**
**To register for your ACMA Open Registration you can access the documentation by downloading the application form here. Please note, unless you have completed an additional unit (Structured or Coax) you can only apply for your Open Registration. This means you can not install coax or data cabling, if you wish this, please consult **
Your OTSR is what you have completed when you did your Skills Assessment. The OTSR does not expire, but for the purposes of migration it will expire in 3 years from date of issue
You have a few things that you need to complete once you arrive.
Hold a current Offshore Technical Skills Record (OTSR) for the Australian equivalent to CPC32413 or CPC32420 – Certificate III in Plumbing issued from one of the approved providers in Australia.
Hold an Australian provisional work licence issued by the regulatory authority responsible for regulating plumbing work and licensing of workers in the jurisdiction where the training will take place and living in Australia.
Be employed and legally have the right to work as a worker in Australia or have access to a workplace environment that replicates workplace conditions. This is needed to enable your workplace logging of Australian Gap training units being applied in an Australian workplace context.
- Arrange your USI (Unique Student Identifer)
Hold a certificate in HLTAID011 – Provide First Aid (or we can help you get one prior to training)
Hold a CPCWHS1001 – Prepare to work safely in the construction industry (Commonly referred to as white card) (or we can help you get one prior to training)
A provisional licence is granted to applicants who do cannot provide evidence that they meet the eligibility of a full occupational licence. A provisional licence allows newly qualified apprentices and other applicants to work lawfully in the industry whilst they gain the required practical experience to eventually work without supervision.
Reasons for granting a provisional licence
A provisional licence will be granted in the following scenarios:
- you have the required technical qualification, but you don't believe you have the practical experience required
- you don't have the required technical qualification, but you believe you have sufficient practical experience to carry out the work under the supervision of a licensed plumber and drainer
- you hold a current licence from interstate or another country
- you have the qualification and the practical experience for the licence, but are unable to provide your qualification or prove your experience
Be prepared for this process to be pretty intense, but its what is required to gain that ticket to allow you to work. If you work without this ticket you could be fined, convicted and deported.
In Tasmania, you will need to contact:
Consumer, Building and Occupational Services
You need to click here to go to the Licencing page
You have a choice when applying for your provisional licence.
In Australia a plumber does Water, Sanitary and Drainage and a provisional licence can be either Water & Sanitary or Water, Sanitary & Drainage. We highly recommend that you apply for the Water, Sanitary & Drainage Provisional Licence outright.
Gas endorsement is a seperate area of expertise and is still completed by a plumber or specialised Gas Fitter.
Click Here for the details on Gas Licencing
Follow the instructions carefully and do what ever CBOS ask you to do.
You may be asked to come in for an interview and a technical assessment.
At this point Consumer, Building and Occupational Services will deternine what "electives" you need to complete as part of your Gap Training.
As well as a letter with the units "Electives" you should receive your "Provsional Licence".
A provisional licence can only be granted for 1 year and cannot be renewed.
If you have previously been granted a provisional licence and are seeking another one, you must reapply.
We have no idea as the content of the assessment changes based on your evidence you provide / OTSR outcome or just how you go at the interview.
You will need to bring with you:
- Your previous qualifications
- If possible all the evidence you provided for your skills assessment you need to have with you (on a USB Stick)
- Letter of Reference from your past employer (This can be your Statement of Service that you used for your Skills Assessment submission)
If you don't have this information available, speak to your Assessment Coordinator that you worked with for your Skills Assessment and ask them to give you access to the information.
Contact the Australian Assessment Team via the last tab on this FAQ. You will need to upload to them:
- Copy of your Provisional Licence
- 100 Points of ID (Click here for more details)
- Uniquie Student Identifier (USI) (Click here for more details)
You will be referred to an authorised training organisation who can complete your Gap Training.
What are some additional units (courses) can I do to help my employment?
The Plumbing Qualification contains many specialised units that will add to the units in your Gap Training in addition to providing you with added skillsets for an employer. DUC has no prefered providers for these units, so best to Google Search for these units in your local area.
CPCCCM2008 Erect and dismantle restricted height scaffolding
CPCCCM3001 Operate elevated work platforms up to 11 metres
RIIWHS202E Enter and work in confined spaces
RIIWHS204E Working at Heights
To disconnect / reconnect a Hot water Service you need 2 units - Consult the RTO about permit requirements.
UEECD0007 Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace
UEERL0004 Disconnect – reconnect electrical equipment connected to low voltage (LV) installation wiring
To disconnect / reconnect a Heat Pump System - Consult the RTO about permit requirements.
UEE20120 Certificate II in Split Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Systems
What will I be trained in?
The RTO will individualise every one’s training program to suit needs for licensing purposes, current work purposes and future career growth. This will generally be water, sanitary, drainage and/or gas or roofing (This will depend on each states requirements and work experience). We will conduct a one-on-one interview with you to determine the best training program with you.
How will I be trained and assessed?
The training for this program is delivered to you in a way that meets the requirements for CPC32420 – Certificate III in Plumbing. This will include content that focuses on the knowledge requirements of the qualification and practical tasks that focus on the skills required for this qualification. The assessments will focus on the demonstration of competency for both knowledge and skills that you have gained through you work experience in Australia.
How will the RTO deliver this Qualification?
Subject to each individual, generally the structure of delivery and assessment will be a blended method of face to face, work placed based, structured online learning and mentoring workshops.
How will my training and assessment plan be designed?
Your training plan will be designed with you at your one-to-one interview so that we are able to understand a little bit more about you and your work experience, employment situation in Australia, which state you reside in and your overall career outcomes
We take all of this into account and personalise your training and assessment plan specifically for you and your needs. This will also include the volume of learning required by you for your theory and workplace practical and the expected duration of each unit of competency.
What if my workplace does not do a type of work required for my training?
You may find that your company specialises in certain plumbing works and not others, if this is the case we will work with you and your employer to find an alternative training solution so that you may successfully complete all the skills and knowledge requirements of the qualification in full.
What if my employer will not support my training program?
It is very unlikely that an employer will not support a migrant in their training as most companies support upskilling their staff as it helps them having you registered and working on your own. If they do have any concerns with the program, we can have a meeting with them to discuss the program.
How long will my training take?
Generally, the program is delivered over a 12-month timeframe, although it can be completed quicker. We take into account the duration of your provisional license where you should aim to complete your training prior to expiry. The theory component has some considerable content to get through, but it is up to you how long it will take, remembering it is at your pace. If you work at it every day, then you will get the program completed quicker.
Well Done..
The RTO will supply you the documentation required for you to take to Consumer, Building and Occupational Services to gain your Occupational Licence.
Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
Your OTSR is what you have completed when you did your Skills Assessment. The OTSR does not expire, but for the purposes of migration it will expire in 3 years from date of issue
You have a few things that you need to complete once you arrive.
- Contact the Australian Assessment Team (last tab in the FAQ) to arrange an RTO in your area for your particular requirements
- Get a job, make sure they are aware that you are currently on a Provisional Licence for the purposes of re-training only. You will need an employer to gain your different licences
As Air Conditioning & Refrigeration is a Restricted Electrical Licence, there is no need to undertake the Gap Training like the Electricians.
You will need 2 Provisional / Trainee Licences
- You need a Trainee Refrigerant Handling Licence (Click Here for the ARCTick Licence Page)
- You need to then contact the Electrical Licencing Authority in your jurisdication to gain a Provisional Licence for Restricted Electrical Work. (Refer to Next Tab for details)
Australian Refrigeration Council
1300 884 483
Western Australia
Energy Safety WA
303 Sevenoaks Street,
WA 6107
(08) 6251 2000
Nothern Territory
Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Board
Darwin Plaza, 41 Smith Street,
Darwin, NT 0800
(08) 8936 4079
South Australia
Consumer & Business Services SA
Level 3, 91-97 Grenfell Street,
Adelaide, SA 5000
131 882
Electrical Safety Office
Building 1, Level 2, 153 Campbell Street,
Bowen Hills, QLD 4006
1300 632 993
New South Wales
NSW Fair Trading
Level 11, 10 Smith Street,
Paramatta, NSW 2150
13 32 20
Australian Capital Territory
Access Canberra
21 Bowes Street,
Phillip ACT 2606
(02) 6207 8096
Energy Safe Victoria
Level 5, Building 2, 4 Riverside Quay,
Southbank, VIC 3006
1800 815 721
Electricity Standards and Safety
30 Gordon’s Hill Road,
Rosny Park, TAS 7018
1300 654 499
The RTO will work with you on the "Restricted Electrical Units" that relate directly related to carry out the disconnecting, reconnecting and fault finding of any electrical equipment.
You will need to do 12 months worth of Work Experience demonstrating that you can successfully carry out the requirements of the electrical component and ARCTick requirements.
Well Done..
The RTO will supply you with a Statement of Attainment and you will take this and your OTSR and send to VetAssess and have them issue you the Certificate III in AirConditioning and Refrigeration UEE32220.
Your RTO may issue you a completed Certificate III in AirConditioning and Refrigeration UEE32220 if they are capable.
The RTO will then provide you any additional documentation required for you to send onto the State / Territory Electrical Regulator and to ARCTick
You now need to upgrade your trainee licence for a Refrigerant Handling Licence – Qualified Persons
Australian Refrigeration Council
1300 884 483
ARCTick Refrigerant Handling Licence
Upgrade your Provisional Restricted Electrical Licence
Western Australia
Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS)
1300 136 237
Nothern Territory
Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Board
Darwin Plaza, 41 Smith Street,
Darwin, NT 0800
(08) 8936 4079
South Australia
Consumer & Business Services SA
Level 3, 91-97 Grenfell Street,
Adelaide, SA 5000
131 882
Queensland Building and Construction Commision
139 333
New South Wales
NSW Fair Trading
Level 11, 10 Smith Street,
Paramatta, NSW 2150
13 32 20
Australian Capital Territory
Access Canberra
21 Bowes Street,
Phillip ACT 2606
(02) 6207 8096
Energy Safe Victoria
Level 5, Building 2, 4 Riverside Quay,
Southbank, VIC 3006
1800 815 721
Electricity Standards and Safety
30 Gordon’s Hill Road,
Rosny Park, TAS 7018
1300 654 499