SITHFAB002 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol

This RSA Online training course is the required course for hospitality workers serving alcohol in a hospitality venue. This course provides a nationally recognised SITHFAB002 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol Statement of Attainment and allows you to work in licensed venues.

Same day certificate – if you have uploaded your assessment/s by 4pm Queensland time on a business day (Monday – Friday) and they are marked as competent by one of our trainers and assessors, and you have also provided a verified USI number, you will be issued with your nationally recognised Statement of Attainment via email on the same day.This online SITHFAB002 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) course covers the skill and knowledge requirements common to all States and Territories for RSA. Some legislative requirements and knowledge will differ across borders, however you will learn to;

  • Understand your obligations under the law
  • Identify customers to whom alcohol service may be refused
  • Responsibly assist customers to drink within appropriate limits
  • Assist alcohol affected customers
  • In line with the new Australian Government Department of Education & Training course packages, it is now a requirement to upload a video as part of the RSA course assessment. You will be assessed via video submission on your ability to “Refuse service to customers in a professional manner”


This qualification is provided in partnership with CTA Training Specialists RTO# 31607