Places to eat in Tasmania

This page has been designed to allow migrants to nominate places to eat that makes them feel like home as many of our UK clients ask us where to find a decent curry or roast for example.

If you come across a place that you would like to recommend please feel free to complete the below form. If you can take a photo or video of the place or food even better!

It could be anything from fish and chips, to high tea and everything in-between…

Settling in to Australia has its challenges, if you know where to get a good feed it can help with the ‘Home Sickness’.

No matter where you came from in the world we would love to hear your feel good recommendations. Please click the button below to add.

To add your recommendations click here!


One of the best Pints I have had since arriving. The beer garden felt like I was home in Brighton!


Roast Dinners

Fish and Chips



Hawaiian Parmy – The Irish (formerly Irish Murphy’s) Launceston -Mars

Korean Fried Chicken Bao – Inside Café (also had breakfast here which was fab- Mars

BLT – Peckisk (Kings Meadows) -Mars

Bread + Butter

Really nice place! Their pastries were amazing too- Mars

Lost Farm, Bridport with Dave

Jackman & McRoss Bakery, Battery Point, Tasmania