
Now you have Started the Visa Process

This is where you are gathering all the required documents for the required skills assessment and visa, most people will also be preparing for the English test, all this is important for the visa. While it’s the most important and most likely stressful, below are some tasks you can look at completing.

  • Begin your housing research for Sales or Rentals in the area that you are moving to. Check this roughly 4 times a year for the first year so you can see the price changes and work out your budgets. In the last 6 months we recommend looking more often so you know what to expect when you arrive.If you are going to sell your property, Check to see if there will need to be any improvements/repairs made. If you start these now you will have a calmer sale and won’t be hit with all the payments for moving all at once.
  • Make sure you and the family have valid passports.
  • Start looking at any subscription you are tied too, make sure you are not paying for any subscriptions you don’t need or cant use in Australia. If your subscription is a must check to see the Australian equivalent.
  • Check to see if there will need to be any improvements/repairs made to your home prior to selling.
  • Collect all your paperwork and file in both paper form and pdf. It’s always safest to have backups! This includes a valid passport with 2 years validity, Birth Certificate, Qualifications, Pay slips, Tax evidence, Bank Statements etc.
  • Have a sit-down chat with friends and family that you are closest to and have an open and honest conversation about what is happening and how you plan on staying in touch (start teaching the grandparents to face time! This may take some time and patience)
  • Start preparing your DUC Employment Hub profile.
  • Get involved with our private Facebook group, start making friend with like minded people who are all making the biggest move of there life.
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