Finding somewhere to rent in The Australian Capital Territory

The Australian rental market is very competitive, especially in the main cities. Most Australian rentals will require you to submit a tenancy application, accompanied with the following documents:

  • Proof of funds and if possible, the past 3 months of pay slips and statements
  • 100 points of ID (this may differ per state).
  • A cover letter for your application explaining who you are and why you are moving to the area.
  • Rental references if possible. If you have sold your property recently it can help to add your selling agent as a reference.
  • Your previous agents contact information.

There are some great reference templates below to help you.

Two of the most widely used sites in Australia to look for rental properties are and, these are great place to start your research and look at options that will suit you and your family.

If you would like help securing a rental property, please click the button below.

Click here to get help securing a rental.