Combined Package – book a call with a Relocation Agent.
Our Combined Package
A 1.5-hour video call with a Relocation Agent who is a previous migrant that lives in the state you are moving to. Package includes:
- Where to live and education facilities to choose based on your wants, needs and budget.
- Relocation advice specific to you.
- Information about where you are moving to.
- What to think about when moving to Australia.
- Information about schools.
- Introductions for services SAVING YOU TIME AND MONEY.
- The Down Under Centre Employment Hub FREE. Free for your partner too!
- How to use the DUC Employment Hub to maximise your chances of finding employment.
- An introduction to our Employment Department if you would like help finding work.
- How to prepare for an interview.
- Employment advice specific to you.
- Advice on managing expectations.
- DUC Employment Hub videos showing you how to use it.
- Upskilling / Australian Qualification advice.
- The presentation your agent shares with you through the call is yours to keep together with notes, information and links that will prove valuable for your relocation.