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UK Office:
+44 (0) 203 376 1555
Australia Office:
If calling within Australia, please call:
03 9123 3260
If calling outside of Australia, please call:
+61 3 9123 3260
When you enrol into a Vocational Education course you will be required to provide 100 Points of Identification. Don’t panic, its not that difficult.
Infact 100 points of ID are required if you are signing up for a rental agreement or opening a bank account
(Below options must be current or expired less than two years)
Australian photo driver licence
Australian student identity card (with photo)
Australian-issued photo identification card (18+ card)
Australian state issued high risk work license (with photo)
(Not the same as the one already chosen)
Australian photo driver licence
Australian student identity card (with photo)
Australian-issued photo identification card (18+ card)
Australian state issued high risk work license (with photo)
Australian birth certificate – Full (not an extract or commenorative certificate)
Medicare Card
Debit / Credit Card (must include signature & name)
Centrelink health care card
Australian student identity document (without photo)
Australian firearms licence
Australian Defence Force photo identity card (excluding civilians)
Veterans’ Affairs concession card
Australian student identity card (with photo)
Australian-issued photo identification card (18+ card)
Australian state issued high risk work license (with photo)
If you are struggling with any of the above. talk to the organisation who is requiring the ID to consider other options.